Warriors Of The World United speed x4
The Olympia Awards of The World Film Institute #1 copy and paste this link to our website:
...in a statement made by Antonio Gellini from Cannes, France May 24, 2017: "On May 29th and 30th I will be in meetings at Moscow, Russia with Minister of Culture Vladimir Medinsky and the press to discuss Olympia Awards of Cultures, Arts and Entertainment, after which I am embarking with the American Chinese Delegation on my fifth visit to China and while there I will tour 8 provinces representing Olympia Awards Competitions before embarking on my trip into South Korea. Now you will see the Olympia Awards Competitions of Cultures, Arts and Entertainment and the exchange of cultures which brings good into the world through these Olympia competitions ...and I am very proud to be a part of it!"
Please enjoy this video which was made by The World Film Institute in collaboration with Jesse Robbins Red Eagle representing the Choctaw Nation of America and which displays all 12 Categories each of which has within it categorized fifteen differing styles of Olympia Awards Competitions of Cultures, Arts and Entertainment. We wish to also thank Jesse Robbins and members of his tribe video appears as last half of this presentation for participating within our program series for Olympia Awards Competitions of Cultures, Arts and Entertainment videos. There are 12 Categories of Olympia Awards of Cultures, Arts and Entertainment and each category has within it 15 separate and distinctive styles of the named art form for purposes of competition which categories include for all forms of the classic and the modern arts within each participating nation. Olympia Awards of Cultures, Arts and Entertainment is an United Nations backed international genuine Olympics of Art to promote world peace and understanding between nations and peoples.
- Dr. Antonio Gellini Founder and Chairman The World Film Institute, Olympia Awards of Cultures, Arts and Entertainment and The Worldwide Family Film Awards. President Allan Jay Friedman, Vice President Justin Wallner - Manowar Warriors Of The World United speed x4
Дата добавления: 2018-01-14
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The Olympia Awards of The World Film Institute #1
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