Sarasota APB Reloaded-OST

Rent To Own Homes in Sarasota FL 941 302 1707 Kay Winefordner Realty Executives Solution 941 302 1707 is a Premier Real Estate Agent in Sarasota FL She specializes in rent to own homes and houses as well as residential realty and real estate investing

Kay Winefordner has been helping those seeking Sarasota real estate for over 20 years Her success can be credited with her laser focus on the needs of her clients as she is a complete customer service focused rent to own and residential real estate professional She is respected for her drive to find just the right house for her clients and her ability to efficiently navigate the often tricky path to move real estate transactions to closing

A major and growing part of her business is Rent to Own Houses and lease purchase or lease to own For Sarasota home seekers who may not qualify for a traditional mortgage or who simply want to live in a house to make sure it is just what they want the home partners rent to own program is a great way to go Top quality Sarasota area homes in attractive neighborhoods that are in A rated school district areas can be purchased by renting to own Kay Winefordner makes it easy for her clients to search out their dream home and get moved in as quickly as possible

Not sure if the house or neighborhood is right for you? Would you like to repair and build up your credit while you and your family enjoy life without having to keep moving around? Then renting or leasing to purchase a house may be exactly what you and your family need

Kay regularly gets testimonials such as these
Thank you for going above and beyond our expectations

Thank you so much for all your work and expertise in marketing and selling our home. It was a real pleasure to deal with someone in whom we had so much confidence

For more information please visit

#leaseoptionhomesSarasotaFL - Magnifikate Sarasota APB Reloaded-OST

Дата добавления: 2019-01-15

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Rent To Own Homes in Sarasota FL 941 302 1707
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