You Can Be The One Panda Rmx
IRS Offer In Compromise_ Tax Debt Settlement Oklahoma There is one method of getting out of debt with the IRS that’s been abused more than any other. This method, offers-in-compromise, has become downright controversial - so much so that the IRS made changes to the "rules" regarding this debt relief method for both taxpayers and tax relief specialists. When the act that allowed Offer-in-Compromise passed, late night TV became filled with commercials from "Pros" promising troubled taxpayers the chance to "pay pennies on the dollar to the IRS". Not only did this practice create a huge number of people getting ripped-off, it may have caused a reduction in the number of Offers-in-Compromise that are actually being accepted by the IRS. The IRS has cracked down. Offers-in-Compromise now only have a 15% chance of success. An offer-in-compromise may still be the right option for you, or there may be better alternatives. Don’t waste your time. If you are in trouble with the IRS or have received notices that you owe taxes, we can help. Go to or call our experienced tax professionals at 1-866-584-8259 to schedule your free consultation. - Late Night Alumni You Can Be The One Panda Rmx
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