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Footage Showing ISIL Terrorists Vandalizing the Church of the Lady of the Annunciation in al-Raqqa This al-Aan TV exclusive footage shows militants from al-Qaeda's the "Islamic State in Iraq and the Levant" ISIL vandalizing the Melkite Greek Catholic Church of the Lady of the Annunciation in the northern Syrian city of al-Raqqa. The militants attempt to dismount the church's bell, remove the church's cross, and raise the al-Qaeda flag on top. They also destroyed and burnt the church's contents.

The video also reveals the way these terrorists think, as a Saudi militant is filmed talking to Syrian kids and brainwashing them that the Christians worship the cross, which he held in his hand after managing to step on it.

Source: al-Aan TV

- KURILI Люблю красивуюVandal\'z Records

Дата добавления: 2017-10-15

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Footage Showing ISIL Terrorists Vandalizing the Church of the Lady of the Annunciation in al-Raqqa
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