the star sky
Kerry Ellis - No-One But You Queen Cover (Orchestral Version Kerry Ellis - No-One But You Queen Cover Orchestral Version
A hand above the water
An angel reaching for the sky
Is it raining in heaven -
Do you want us to cry?
And everywhere the broken-hearted
On every lonely avenue
No-one could reach them
No-one but you
One by one
Only the Good die young
They're only flying too close to the sun
And life goes on -
Without you...
Another Tricky Situation
I get to drownin' in the Blues
And I find myself thinkin'
Well - what would you do?
Ye - Kerry Force ft VegaS the star sky
Дата добавления: 2018-05-18
Рейтинг : 0
Просмотров: 648
Скачать быстроРазмер файла - 430.08 KB
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