The Man Comes Around State of Decay OST

[eng subs] Samuel Rachlin on Danish State TV: Yanukovych is run by Putin 21feb2015 They didn't cover what the AntiMaidan demonstration on 21st Feburary 2015 was about but they did cover that Yanukovych was on Russian [State controlled] TV.

Rachlin is a well know 'commentator' on Danish TV. He cites EuromaidanPR as facts and is a proponent for CIA policy in his special emotional way.
He is the personification of everything that was wrong in Ukraine. Actually, since Ukraine was freed [Post Soviet]
He the incarnation of a corrupt kleptocrat [theif] and when he fled it was completely pathetic to watch
how he gathered all his riches and in the hurry forgot a bread made of pure gold in his residence.
A bread?
A huge bread. So that’s… it’s ridiculous.
But how can this man be used [politically] for anything in this conflict?
I think this is due to Moskva … in the following years … that Putin and his team has the impression that they can get away with anything.
So there are no boundaries to the stunts they can come up with –and staging and tricks and have success with it. There is nothing that keeps them [Putin] back; it’s just a form of shameless mendacity [lying] dissimulation [putting on a show]
Don’t be to kind to the Russians [Danish irony]
But we have never seen anything like this. So… I think, Nynne [name of host] that we start calling things by their right name.
- Johny Cash The Man Comes Around State of Decay OST

Дата добавления: 2018-03-11

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[eng subs] Samuel Rachlin on Danish State TV: Yanukovych is run by Putin 21feb2015
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