It Has To Be This Way - Steven Armstrong's Theme [Metal Gear Rising Revengeance OST]
Ария Роджера Чиллингуорса из оперы "Алая буква" Акт 1, сцена 2. Композитор Фредрик Кролл composed by Fredric Kroll Фредрик Кролл in 1961-62, performed by baritone Steven Scheschareg, soprano Arpine Oganyan, conductor Paul Mauffray, and the Brno Philharmonic
At the moment at which Hester Prynne has been forced to exhibit herself with her scarlet letter and her child on the pillory for the first time, her husband has issued forth from the wilderness through which he has made his way for two years after having been shipwrecked. In this aria, he takes the blame for her act of adultery upon himself. He explains to her why he married her despite his insight that he should not have done so.
Hester, I ask not wherefore, nor how,
thou hast fallen into the pit.
It was my folly, and thy weakness.
I, a man of thought -
a man already in decay,
what had I to do with youth and beauty like thine own?
Misshapen from my birth hour,
how could I delude myself with the idea
that intellectual gifts might veil deformity
in a girl's fantasy?
Men call me wise.
If the sages were ever wise in their own behoof,
I'd have foreseen all this. I might have known
that the very first object to meet my eyes
Would be thyself, Hester Prynne, standing up
a stature of ignominy before the people!
Nay, from the moment when we came down the church steps a married pair,
I'd have beheld the balefire of that scarlet letter
blazing at the end of our path!
Thou knowest, thou knowest that I was frank with thee.
I felt no love, nor feigned any.
True, it was my folly! I have said it!
But up to that epoch of my life, I had lived in vain!
The world had seemed so cheerless!
My heart was a habitation large enough for many guests,
but lonely and chill, and without a household fire.
I longed to kindle one!
It seemed not so wild a dream,
old as I was, and sombre as I was,
and misshapen as I was, that the simple bliss,
which is scattered far and wide, for all mankind
to gather up might yet be mine!
And so, Hester, I drew thee into my heart,
into its innermost chamber
and sought to warm thee by the warmth which thy presence made there,
and sought to warm thee,
to warm thee by the warmth which thy presence made there!
... - Jimmy Gnecco It Has To Be This Way - Steven Armstrong's Theme [Metal Gear Rising Revengeance OST]
Дата добавления: 2017-10-07
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Ария Роджера Чиллингуорса из оперы "Алая буква" Акт 1, сцена 2. Композитор Фредрик Кролл
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