Allied Combat 3 Triumphal [How the West was Won] [Score - ''Command & Conquer Red Alert 3'', 2008]

The CIA And The Nazis 1/5 Six months after Allied Forces liberated German concentration camps, a military tribunal formed at Nuremberg to prosecute Nazi war criminals. Some of the most dangerous were brought to justice – but not all. Documentary Conspiracy? reveals how over 4,000 former Nazis went to work for the U.S. government, without the public’s knowledge, to help fight the Soviet Union. Reinhard Gehlen, an intelligence officer for Hitler’s General Staff, was tapped to head the U.S. intelligence program in West Germ - James Hannigan and Timothy Michael Wynn Allied Combat 3 Triumphal [How the West was Won] [Score - ''Command & Conquer Red Alert 3'', 2008]

Дата добавления: 2017-12-30

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