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Jo Nesbo - The Bat [ Detective novel. Harry Hole. Sean Barrett ] Continue familiarization:
Jo Nesbo - The Bat. Part 1 [ Detective novel. Harry Hole. Sean Barrett ]
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Jo Nesbo - The Bat [ Detective novel. Harry Hole. Sean Barrett ]
Ю Несбе - Нетопырь [ Детективный роман. Харри Хол. Шон Барретт ]
Book title: The Bat
The author's surname: Nesbo
The author's name: Jo
Performer: Sean Barrett
Cycle / Series: Harry Hole
Book Number: -
Language: Britian English
ISBN or ASIN: 9781 4450 24783
Publishing house: -
Genre: Detective novel
Playing time: 10:42:56
The story revolves around the Norwegian police officer Harry Hole, who is sent to Sydney by the Royal Norwegian Police Directorate to serve as the Norwegian attaché for the Australian police's investigation into the murder of a young female Norwegian B-celebrity, Inger Holter, who was residing in Australia.
Initially trying to adapt to the great differences in time, temperatures, environment, and cultures of Oslo and Sydney, Harry is introduced to Andrew Kensington, an Australian Aborigine and homicide detective for the Sydney police, his nominal partner in the investigation. Hole is informed that Holter's body was found dashed on coastal rocks just under some cliffs north of the city, and that the police believe that she was raped before her death. However, her body was severely cut during her fall from the cliffs, and any DNA remains from the assailant that would previously have been present are now washed away.
Ю Несбё 1960 - норвежский музыкант, писатель и журналист. Окончил Норвежскую школу экономики, некоторое время работал внештатным журналистом и биржевым брокером. Несбё – вокалист и композитор известной в Норвегии рок-группы «Di Derre». Он считает себя рок-музыкантом, композитором, экономистом и лишь в последнюю очередь – писателем.
В свободное от детективов время Несбё пишет книжки для детей.
Книги Несбё переведены более чем на сорок языков, он – обладатель наград Датской академии детектива и премии "Книга года". - Harry Callaghan Acceleration Portal Stories Mel 10
Дата добавления: 2019-01-07
Рейтинг : 0
Просмотров: 793
Скачать быстроРазмер файла - 430.08 KB
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Jo Nesbo - The Bat [ Detective novel. Harry Hole. Sean Barrett ]
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