It's a Goat Trap

Give a goat, save a life this Mother's Day!
Mother's Day is coming 'round....
Donate a goat, give the gift of life!

Goats for Life is a nonprofit organization dedicated to the alleviation of extreme poverty in East Africa through the giving of livestock, the support of education, and the support of economic enterprises.

$45 Buys a goat, providing an entire family with manure for crops and enough income from the sale of its bi-annual offspring to buy food, cover medical expenses, and pay for schooling. Give the gift of life and hope to someone you love this Mother’s Day!

When the first goats were given to Rwandan survivors the orphans wrote and sang a song. The first two lines were:
"Who would ever believe that we'd still be alive?
Who would have ever thought that we'd ever have hope?"

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Дата добавления: 2018-03-13

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Give a goat, save a life this Mother's Day!
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