02 - Public enemy
Mobile Suit Gundam Wing: Operation 3 Full Album pt. 2 Mobile Suit Gundam Wing: Operation 3 1995 soundtrack
16. 00:00 Well-Planned Strategy/Tactics
17. 03:08 Accelerated Beat
18. 04:37 Dangerous Shining Because For The Purity
19. 06:16 I Don't Like Fairy Tale
20. 07:45 I Believed We'd Meet
21. 09:39 Ties
22. 11:16 Proof of Existence
23. 12:55 Reversal of A Memory
24. 14:33 What Are You Looking For On The Other Side of Victory?
25. 16:02 The Flight Towards The Future
26. 17:42 Who Will Give Their Life?
27. 19:19 Rhythm Emotion - Two-Mix
Instrumental tracks by Kow Otani - Game OST - StarCraft 2 Wings of liberty Collector\'s edition soundtrack 02 - Public enemy
Дата добавления: 2018-04-16
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Mobile Suit Gundam Wing: Operation 3 (Full Album) pt. 2
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