Hurry up 2

Mercedes Benz Antos 12 Modernization and addition - Euro Truck Simulator 2. Mercedes Benz Antos 12 Modernization and addition - Euro Truck Simulator 2.

Package includes following mods:

1. Mercedes-Benz Antos ’12
Author: DANZ, Denis Zobnin
The test version 1.20.1 x
Running on version 1.21.x

2. All products under one trailer from DANZ
All products trailers from Danz.
Now, you no longer need to search for tandem trailers to different cities and to sleep hell knows where, and now they are at each base.
Author: Donovan
Version: 1.20.x
Running on version 1.21.x

3. Package: Modified mod – D3S Accessory 5.0.120.scs
Author: DANZ, Denis Zobnin
Upgrading and addition:losevo58

4. Package: Modified mod – Pack D3S Trailers 1.0.120
Author: DANZ, Denis Zobnin
Upgrading and addition:losevo58

In packages # 3 and # 4 contain modified my cargo load of international companies in transport and logistics:

Norbert Dentressangle
Willi Betz

Mostly fashion: Mercedes-Benz Antos ’12,
D3S Accessory 5.0.120.scs
D3S Trailers Pack 1.0.120.scs
contain default grey livery.
Will now haul cargo with skins international companies in transport and logistics.
Connect in the profile only one of four files – scs from both packages in accordance with your company !!

– Basic 3D model: SCS Software
– 3D model: DANZ, Denis Zobnin [D3S DESIGN]
– Mapping and convert to ETS2: DANZ [D3S DESIGN]
– Engines and transmissions: DANZ [D3S DESIGN]
– Modernization and addition. Upgrading and addition:losevo58

Dl. mod, Gr. Facebook mods+

Original games video YouTube channel:
Оригинальный игровой видео канал YouTube: /videos

Подробная информация, скачать mod, и другие работы авторов, вы найдете на канале Ttruck Sim Mods
Detailed information, download mod, and other works of the authors you'll find on the channel: Truck Sim Mods

Truck Sim Mods: /videos

------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ - Euro Truck Simulator 2 Hurry up 2

Дата добавления: 2018-03-11

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Просмотров: 791

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Mercedes Benz Antos 12 Modernization and addition - Euro Truck Simulator 2.
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