Unit 1 Two worlds story

Wingsuit Warriors: Jeb Corliss vs. The World Wingsuit flying is the world’s most exhilarating sport and one of the deadliest. Wingsuit Warrior: Jeb Corliss vs. the World is the comeback story of rebel wingsuit pilot Jeb Corliss who crashed on Table Mountain in South Africa but lived to get a second chance. This inspiring story follows Jeb and his friend Joby Ogwyn who witnessed the crash through months of painful rehabilitation and their long journey back to South Africa and the mountain that interrupted both their lives. Facing unexpected obstacles, the two friends discover what matters most as they pursue their great adventure to fly once more! - English Adventure 2 Unit 1 Two worlds story

Дата добавления: 2018-01-16

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Wingsuit Warriors: Jeb Corliss vs. The World
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