
El misil MMP MBDA MMP is the latest fifth generation land combat missile system designed for dismounted infantry as well as for integration on combat vehicles.

Featuring both fire-and-forget and man-in-the-loop operation, network-enabled MMP also receives third party target designation for indirect firing scenarios.

MMP’s design includes the growth potential necessary for a future family of missiles for modern land combat.

MMP will replace the Milan and Javelin anti-tank missiles in service with the French Army and special forces from 2017. Taking into account the battle experience gained from recent conflicts in which the French Army has been engaged, MMP is a response to the demands that have been expressed in terms of required capabilities: firing from confined spaces, “fire-and-forget”, and self-guidance with a “man-in-the-loop” facility. - EL'MAN Адреналин

Дата добавления: 2017-12-30

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El misil MMP (MBDA)
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