From Every Sphere OST "Silent Hill Downpour"

From hampstead head park to notting hill Hampstead Heath locally known as "the Heath" is a large, ancient London park, covering 320 hectares 790 acres. This grassy public space sits astride a sandy ridge, one of the highest points in London, running from Hampstead to Highgate, which rests on a band of London clay. The Heath is rambling and hilly, embracing ponds, recent and ancient woodlands, a lido, playgrounds, and a training track, and it adjoins the stately home of Kenwood House and its grounds. The SE part of the Heath is Parliament Hill, whose view over London is protected by law.

Notting Hill is an area in West London, in the Royal Borough of Kensington and Chelsea. The area was most well-known for Portobello Market on Portobello Road, unsurprisingly, which runs every day except Sundays, and the Notting Hill carnival, held every year on the last weekend in August. - Ed Harcourt From Every Sphere OST "Silent Hill Downpour"

Дата добавления: 2017-10-14

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