Treat me Like Your Mother NFS The Run OST

R. Nikolaenko - I Want To My Mother

I Want To My Mother

I want to die my Angel now, this is not for me
And people here are like devil's sons, world of sin

I want to my mother, mother
I want to my...


I want to go back to the mother womb, I want to hide
"Your father, the devil"..."He is a liar and the father of lies" Jn. 8:44

I want to my mother, mother
I want to my...


I want to my mother, mother
I want to my...

Morse Code:

––· ·–· · · – ·· –· ––· ··· –···– –·–– ––– ··– –···– ·–– ···· ––– –···– ·– ·–· · –···– ···· ·· ––· ···· ·–·· –·–– –···– ··–· ·– ···– ––– ·–· · –·· –···– – ···· · –···– ·–·· ––– ·–· –·· –···– ·· ··· –···– ·–– ·· – ···· –···– –·–– ––– ··– –···– ·–·· –·– –···– ·–––– –···– ··––– –––·· - Dead Weather Treat me Like Your Mother NFS The Run OST

Дата добавления: 2017-10-15

Рейтинг : 0        

Просмотров: 706

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