Hypnosis, Vol. 9 Synchronic Binaural Frequency for Auto-Hypnosis and Hypnotist
Covert Sex Hypnosis For Sales And Seduction . This is the "quotes pattern" from the Milton Model and NLP. It's very powerful and useful to say pretty much anything to anybody without "getting into trouble." You take whatever you'd like to say, suggest or ask, like "you should subscribe to my channel," and simply put it in somebody else's mouth, so to speak. So instead of the above, I'd say "the other day my friend looked at this girl and said, "you should subscribe to my channel." - Davidson Braid Hypnosis, Vol. 9 Synchronic Binaural Frequency for Auto-Hypnosis and Hypnotist
Дата добавления: 2018-01-14
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