pt.2 special Falling To The Darkness mixed by Sonnax
Mathias Mental - Water to the Wave In winter 2006, Mathias Mental begun in Montreal, Canada as a solo venture for Mathias BP, before bassist Jérôme Deroo and drummer Emmanuel 'Lazer' Vallières came on board. Striving to pay homage to the sound of a particular time and place, they juggle indie, rock, electro and jazz influences into writing sophisticated pop melodies, and more personal, darkly humorous lyrics. The biligual guitar-pop group released their eponymous EP in October 2013 ♪♫ ⇛ Mathias 'Mental' Pageau on vocals/guitar/synth, Jérôme Deroo on bass guitar, Emmanuel 'Lazer' Vallières on drums; EP cover photo by Laure Anne Lafrenière - Cyber Wave pt.2 special Falling To The Darkness mixed by Sonnax
Дата добавления: 2017-10-23
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Просмотров: 581
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Mathias Mental - Water to the Wave
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