Dark Energy [OST Варкрафт] тв-ролик

[Trailer] Call of the Crusade The Call of the Crusade is the name of the raid that the F2P community of Rashferoth organizes in order to attack one of the most dangerous NPC of Outland, the Fel Reaver, in Hellfire Peninsula. This raid is expected for Tuesday 25 August, at 09:PM. The goal of this expedition is also to gather a lot of players in order to have a good time and make revive the F2P community.


For more details about the raid progress, please look this link:

To learn more about Rashferoth community, you can follow this link:

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I also want to precise, that, given the fact that this trailer uses a non-free World of Warcraft music, nobody can use this video for commercial purposes. If you want to contact me about another thing, you can do it via [email protected].

Embu - Colossal Trailer Music Eclipticon Dark Energy [OST Варкрафт] тв-ролик

Дата добавления: 2018-03-20

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[Trailer] Call of the Crusade
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