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Dr.Hovind - Giant Human Skeletons [Full Documentary] 2016 Science is stronger than fiction.

FischerOfMen quote:
I will be making a website to back up these videos on, and to reach more people. You can help by donating to the operation. Donations will help with cost of running/building site, and other expenses needed to keep me going. Satan has been active using people on the web to try and paint me as a greedy drug attic fraud, but my videos speak for me. With that being said any contributions are greatly appreciated, and greatly needed. God bless. To donate click on this link, and you'll see "Support this channel" to the right side of the screen. You can also donate by going to this link And the last alternative is my paypal which is [email protected] If you aren't doing anything for Christ at least sponsor those who are as a way of contributing to the cause, and helping people like me get the word out.

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Source YouTube: - Celdeweller - Louder Than Words Freedom Fighters vs HyperActive Rmx Full On

Дата добавления: 2018-01-14

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Просмотров: 650

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Dr.Hovind - Giant Human Skeletons [Full Documentary] 2016
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