Cardinal Energy Group CEGX Engages JP Fortune Group Cardinal Energy Group, Inc. OTCQB: CEGX is pleased to announce it has engaged JP Fortune Group JPF, one of North America’s premier small-cap advisory firms. JP Fortune Group will assist the Company in capital market positioning, financial operations management, M&A opportunities, and strategic investor communications. JPF will implement a comprehensive equity growth strategy and execute an extensive investor relations campaign. The Company’s goal is to exploit opportunities in the financial marketplace while increasing market value for its shareholders’ equity.
“We are excited to work with JP Fortune Group to expand our financial operations while increasing shareholder opportunities. We intend to strategically enhance our shareholder communications, as we believe the investor community will better appreciate the value we’re creating in the marketplace,” said Timothy Crawford, Chairman and Chief Executive Officer of CEGX.
- See more at: - Cardinal_BET_ В_Жизни_Как_в_ИгреKarlson_Prod.
Дата добавления: 2017-10-23
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Cardinal Energy Group (CEGX) Engages JP Fortune Group
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