The End of Confederacy
Alex Jones is a big wrecker - Jack Blood Behold a man who managed to dupe thousands of uninformed people by making himself seem like a loud honest Texas family man. Behold a man who serves his capitalist Koch masters so well that he doesn't go a day without badmouthing communism and socialism. Behold a man who respected the conservative tool Glenn Beck, and then, after Beck called him a psycho, began to talk about Beck with a little less respect. Behold a man who tries to exploit every opportunity to make himself more popular, the way he did with the 9/11 truth movement. That deceiving man is Alex 1776 Jones, a true American patriot that constantly violates the constitution. But, unlike that other faker Luke Rudkowski, Jones didn't show his face at Occupy Wall Street. In fact, he criticized and lied about OWS at the beginning because he was afraid of it. - Call of Juarez Bound in Blood OST The End of Confederacy
Дата добавления: 2018-01-03
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Alex Jones is a big wrecker - Jack Blood
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