Mission Failed, We'll Get Em' Next Time

Spy Gear Everyday Mission with Sonic Distractors, Lazer Defence Network Spy Gear Everyday Mission with Sonic Distractors, Lazer Defence Network, Motion Alarm & Listener!We review and show in action some of the coolest Spy Gear from In this episode we have Sonic Distractors, Micro Listener device, Lazer Defence network and Motion Alarm!Spy Gear Motion Alarm sounds whenever motion or vibration is detected! Use Laser Defence Network that has 3 lazer units to create an invisible defense network. Units can be up to 20 feet apart and alarm sounds when perimeter is breached!Roll and distract! Sonic Distractors get agents out of sticky situations using sonic wave diversion! Select from 8 different sounds as you activate, roll and distract your enemies. Each sound has a time-release delay giving agents time to calculate when they’ll sound. The included belt clip delivers easy access for quick use as you sneak through top-secret areas. With 2 Sonic Distractors, agents can perform multiple distractions simultaneously.FOLLOW US!Instagram: Facebook: Twitter: - Call of Duty Modern Warfare 3 Mission Failed, We'll Get Em' Next Time

Дата добавления: 2018-07-20

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Spy Gear Everyday Mission with Sonic Distractors, Lazer Defence Network
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