Fight with the city
Blood type - English Edition Группа крови - КИНО "Blood type"
It's such a warm place,
But there on the street,
Where our footprints are waited for,
Stardusted boots
Sparkle and shine.
Here are the shepherds and upholstered chair,
Dazzling dreams below the bright sun, orb,
The trigger untouched
When it was the right time.
My blood type mark is on the sleeve,
There's my ordinal number marked on the sleeve,
Wish me now some luck in the fight,
Sayin' now, sayin'!
I won't stay in this fields of green,
I won't stay in this fields of green,
Wish me now to be lucky,
Sayin' now, sayin'!
... Be lucky!
I am able to pay, but I never want
A triumph at any price,
I never want
Someone's chest lying under my foot.
I would rather stay here with you,
Just to stay here with you,
But the star which is high in the skys
Still gives me the route.
My blood type mark is on the sleeve,
There's my ordinal number marked on the sleeve,
Wish me now some luck in the fight,
Sayin' now, sayin'!
I won't stay in this fields of green,
I won't stay in this fields of green,
Wish me now to be lucky,
Sayin' now, sayin'!
... Be lucky! - Bully - Scholarship Edition Fight with the city
Дата добавления: 2019-01-19
Рейтинг : 0
Просмотров: 670
Скачать быстроРазмер файла - 430.08 KB
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