Broken Compass Far Cry 3 OST - Main Menu

Far Cry 4 Trailer № 2 Please read:
This mod was created exclusively for himself and for those who have already passed the game. Now you can go through the game again, but a little more fun)))) In the fashion used the work of other modders. The main changes are:
1 - Increased the range and power of almost all weapons
2 - The Power of shotguns increased many times, now in one shot pellets used 70-100
3 - Grenade A-87 converted into automatic shotgun
4 - Enemies are no longer visible through walls and no markers on the head
5 - Many weapons available in the beginning of the game
6 - Added locked gadgets for some weapons
7 - Changed some of the characteristics of the main character
And a few minor edits. In fashion there are still bugs that are fixed. - Brian Tyler Broken Compass Far Cry 3 OST - Main Menu

Дата добавления: 2019-01-10

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Просмотров: 843

Скачать быстроРазмер файла - 430.08 KB
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Far Cry 4 Trailer № 2
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