Break The Field [SR] ReEdit and bassMixV0.2
Deon Lendore 44.88 Destroys the Field by 2 sec. 400m Prelims SEC Outdoors 2015 Men's 400 Meter Dash Prelim
1 Deon Lendore
SR - Texas A&M 44.88 Q 1
2 Darrell Bush
JR - LSU 46.81 q 8
3 Nick Uruburu
SO - Florida 47.03 11
4 Nathan Strother
FR - Tennessee 47.06 12
5 Reggie Glover
SO - Georgia 47.79 19
6 Jamarco Stephen
FR - Arkansas 48.68 20
SEC Championships
Mike Sanders Track Complex - Starkville, MS
May 14-16, 2015 - Braulio Stefield & Breekler Break The Field [SR] ReEdit and bassMixV0.2
Дата добавления: 2018-01-29
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Deon Lendore 44.88 Destroys the Field by 2 sec. 400m Prelims SEC Outdoors 2015
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