History of Uniting All Under Heaven ~New Age Dream

Jeffrey Archer - A Matter of Honour [ Spy novel ] Continue familiarization:

Jeffrey Archer - A Matter of Honour. Part 1 [ Spy novel ]


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Jeffrey Archer - A Matter of Honour [ Spy novel ]

Джеффри Арчер - Дело чести [Шпионский роман]

Book title: A Matter of Honour
The author's surname: Archer [ ]
The author's name: Jeffrey
Performer: -
Language: english
Publishing house: Linden press

Genre: spy novel

Playing time: 10:56:53


In 1966 disgraced British colonel bequeaths a mysterious letter to his only son.

The "item in question" that Adam's father's letter leads him to acquire from a safe deposit box in Switzerland is a precious Russian Orthodox icon made long ago for the Russian czars which by misadventure came into the possession of Hermann Goring sometime in the 1930s. Goring wanted Scott's father one of his jailers at Nuremberg to have it in token of his kind treatment and because Goring realized Scott's father would be unfairly blamed for his pre-execution suicide.

But the icon contains something that even Goring did not dream of: the only official Russian copy of a secret codicil to the Alaska Purchase treaty by which the United States purchased Alaska from Russia in 1867. "Seward's Folly" turns out to have not been a true purchase at all, but a 99-year lease akin to the British hold on Hong Kong, with a right of return to Russia now the part of the Soviet Union if they can only retrieve their copy before the lease deadline, only days away.


Полковник в отставке умирает, оставив в наследство сыну запечатанный конверт. Конверт пролежал запечатанным двадцать с лишним лет. Столько лет прошло со времени Нюрнбергского процесса. Этот конверт оказался в центре событий мирового масштаба. Решается судьба Аляски, не больше не меньше. Главный герой, как и следовало ожидать, спасает мир.
Книга очень динамичная, как и все романы Арчера. - Book of Star Mythology History of Uniting All Under Heaven ~New Age Dream

Дата добавления: 2017-10-20

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Jeffrey Archer - A Matter of Honour [ Spy novel ]
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