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Robert A. Heinlein - Beyond This Horizon [ Fiction. Peter Ganim ] Continue familiarization:

Robert A. Heinlein - Beyond This Horizon. Part 1 [ Fiction. Peter Ganim ]


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Robert A. Heinlein - Beyond This Horizon [ Fiction. Peter Ganim ]

Роберт Хайнлайн - Там, за гранью [ Фантастика. Питер Ганим ]

Book title: Quantum Beyond This Horizon
The author's surname: Heinlein
The author's name: Robert
Performer: Peter Ganim
Language: english
Publishing house: Audible Frontiers [ ]

Genre: fiction

Playing time: 07:02:30


The reissue of a classic science fiction novel, featuring dazzling new cover art, displays the celebrated imagination of one of the greatest masters of twentieth-century science fiction, author of Stranger in a Strange Land, The Puppet Masters, and others. Reissue.

В данном романе описывается общество будущего, вовсю практикующее методы генной инженерии. - Beyond Good and Evil OST Akuda House Propaganda

Дата добавления: 2018-05-16

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Просмотров: 768

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Robert A. Heinlein - Beyond This Horizon [ Fiction. Peter Ganim ]
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