GlobalNews 2-Mar-10 PM Chile Quake/BBC cuts/Political insults

David Hare - Murder in Samarkand [ Drama, political thriller. David Tennant ] Continue familiarization:


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David Hare - Murder in Samarkand [ Drama, political thriller. David Tennant ]

Дэвид Хэйр - Убийство в Самарканде [ Драма, политический триллер. Дэвид Теннант ]

Book title: Murder in Samarkand
The author's surname: Hare [ ]
The author's name: David
Performer: David Tennant [ ] [ ]
Language: Britian english
Publishing house: Greenpoint production for BBC Radio 4 [ ]

Genre: drama, political thriller

Playing time: 01:26:55


When Craig Murray arrived in Uzbekistan to take up his post in 2002, he was a young ambassador with a brilliant career and a taste for whisky and women. But after hearing accounts of dissident prisoners being boiled to death and innocent people being raped and murdered by agents of the state, he started to question both his role and that of his country in so-called 'democratising' states.

Following his discovery that the British government was accepting information obtained under torture, Murray could no longer maintain a diplomatic silence. When he voiced his outrage, Washington and 10 Downing Street decided he had to go. But Uzbekistan had changed the high-living diplomat and there was no way he was going to go quietly. In this candid and at times shocking memoir, Murray lays bare the dark and dirty underside of the War on Terror.

[ ]


Когда Крэйг Маррей прибыл в Узбекистан, он был молодым послом с блестящей карьерой и имел вкус к виски и женщинам. Но после того, как он услышал, что некоторых заключенных-диссидентов сварили заживо, а невинных людей насиловали и убивали сотрудники спецслужб, он стал задаваться вопросами о своей роли и о том, что в его стране называется "демократизацией". Маррей захотел обнародовать свои шокирующие открытия, и тогда Вашингтон и Даунинг-Стрит 10 решили убрать слишком дотошного дипломата, однако уходить тихо он не собирался.

Craig Murray ........................David Tennant
Bax/Safayev ........................Jonathan Coy
Dill/French Ambassador ............Richard Cordery
Foreign Secretary/Uzbek Judge ..Simon Chandler
Prosecutor/Fazilov ..................Ian Gelder
Roy/Avazov .........................John Hollingworth
US Ambassador/Karimov ...........Paul Jesson
Dr Ableman/Uzbek Uncle ...........Bruce Myers
Angela ................................Flora Montgomery
Dilobar ................................Nadira Murray
Emily ..................................Clara Neather
Nadira ................................Jemima Rooper
Serena/Kristina ......................Lucy Robinson
Ivo Sanderson/Quest ...............Malcolm Sinclair
Procurator ...........................Sirojiddin Tolibov
Fiona ..................................Lia Williams

Piano by Michael Webborn
Produced by Ann Scott
Directed by Clive Brill - BBC World Service GlobalNews 2-Mar-10 PM Chile Quake/BBC cuts/Political insults

Дата добавления: 2017-10-22

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Просмотров: 669

Скачать быстроРазмер файла - 13.68 MB
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David Hare - Murder in Samarkand [ Drama, political thriller. David Tennant ]
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