Dangerous - gLife ft. Master Q violin Dangerous is the first single off the upcoming album One-Five Sep 2015 release by gLife featuring MasterQ on violin. In a world of fakes and snakes, it is time to be who you are and rap about how you actually live. gLife gives you a glimpse into the life that he, MasterQ, and DJ Pookie share.

Download the track for free on Soundcloud at soundcloud.com/georgelife

Directed by Evan Lee Moore at ELM Productions
Off of the upcoming album gLife - One-Five roduced, mixed, and mastered by LAM at Self Expression Music studios at Uprok in Salt Lake City, UT

- Banx & Ranx feat. Mikey Dangerous Warrior E-MUSIC ELITE

Дата добавления: 2017-10-20

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Просмотров: 698

Скачать быстроРазмер файла - 7.23 MB
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Dangerous - gLife ft. Master Q (violin)
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