Into the Belly Child of Light OST
@XEX.COM.HK : Prismverse AV Exprerience ••• DES DIAMANTS EN MODE SPATIAL en français ci-après
•••• XEX - "Prismverse" - an Audiovisual Experience of Splendors
Prismverse is an installation inspired by light rays travelling in a diamond with Brilliant cut – a form that produces phenomenal brilliance with maximized light directed through its top. With a complex geometrical tessellated mirror wall, the highly illuminated interior becomes a metaphor for the instant tone-up effect of Dr.Jart+ V7 Toning Light.
A journey to unprecedented sceneries of glimmers begins at the touch of the product centered in the space. Audience will be immersed in splendors of our mother nature, ranging from the galaxy and distant stars, rare gemstones, glistens of flowing water, and refracted light beams. These resembles the brightening, moisturizing, protective and vitalizing effects of the product once applied on skin.
Thanks to the omnidirectional speaker ‘scenery’ produced by sonihouse, audience can be bathed in an ambient soundscape, where sound is equally distributed to every direction. Audience are most encouraged to pace around and explore brilliance of the world from all angles in Prismverse.
Prismverse’s collection of splendors in our mother nature includes the galaxy and distant stars, rare gemstones, glistens of flowing water, and refracted light beams, together brings in an unprecedented experience and aesthetics of shines.
White light consists of spectrum of infinite colours, while prism refracts a beam of light into hues. Constructed with 10 meters LED floor and a complex geometrical mirror wall, Prismverse is the imagination of paths of light rays inside a diamond. Please enjoy our promotional teaser.
•••• Prismverse體驗館的創作概念源自鑽石切割法 Brilliant cut ,此切割法將鑽石面所能反射出的光最大化,製作出富優質亮度的成品。Prismverse館內的多邊形鏡牆,配合影像的反射,能夠營造鑽石中折射的光束,演繹出 Dr.Jart+ V7 Toning Light 在肌膚上呈現的即時鑽白效果。
Prismverse體驗館獲sonihouse 贊助十二面體揚聲器 Scenery,讓體驗者置身於全方位的視聽氛圍中。感受影像與音效的同時,亦歡迎體驗者於體驗館內探索心目中最耀目的亮麗色彩。
•••• DES DIAMANTS EN MODE SPATIAL : plongez dans l'univers parfait des diamants et des pierres précieuses. Une expérience spatio-temporelle... - Béatrice Martin Cœur de pirate Into the Belly Child of Light OST
Дата добавления: 2017-10-12
Рейтинг : 0
Просмотров: 862
Скачать быстроРазмер файла - 6.91 MB
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@XEX.COM.HK : Prismverse (AV Exprerience) ••• DES DIAMANTS EN MODE SPATIAL
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