Ominous keeper of the keys and his room of horrors - Epilogue

Lalo Schifrin - The Killer/Intro 1970 Music clips culled from the season 5 episode "The Killer" of "Mission: Impossible" in which hitman Eddie Lorca actor Robert Conrad is resting in his hotel room with his girlfriend when he receives an urgent business call. Later on, Eddie Lorca is settling in his new hotel room and is meeting IMF agent Dana Lambert posing as a bag woman actress Lesley Ann Warren when they have a violent feud.

Composer Lalo Schifrin first fashions a faux rock funk tune electric organ, drum, electric guitar, electric bass guitar for the radio set music and then writes some low-key atmospheric cues featuring the series theme. - Achromatism Promo 2010 Ominous keeper of the keys and his room of horrors - Epilogue

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Lalo Schifrin - The Killer/Intro (1970)
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