18 - Sansa

Стивен Кинг - ОНО. Трейлер / Stephen King - IT. Trailer [ ]

Источник / Source:

New Line Cinema’s horror thriller “IT,” directed by Andrés Muschietti “Mama”, is based on the hugely popular Stephen King novel of the same name, which has been terrifying readers for decades.

When children begin to disappear in the town of Derry, Maine, a group of young kids are faced with their biggest fears when they square off against an evil clown named Pennywise, whose history of murder and violence dates back for centuries.

«Оно́» англ. It — роман американского писателя Стивена Кинга, написанный в жанре ужасов, впервые опубликованный в 1986 году издательством Viking Press. В произведении затрагиваются важные для Кинга темы: власть памяти, сила объединенной группы, влияние травм детства на взрослую жизнь. Согласно основной сюжетной линии, семеро друзей из вымышленного города Дерри в штате Мэн сражаются с чудовищем, убивающим детей и способным принимать любую физическую форму. Повествование ведется параллельно в разных временных интервалах, один из которых соответствует детству главных героев, а другой — их взрослой жизни.



It is a 1986 horror novel by American author Stephen King. The story follows the exploits of seven children as they are terrorized by the eponymous being, which exploits the fears and phobias of its victims in order to disguise itself while hunting its prey. "It" primarily appears in the form of a clown in order to attract its preferred prey of young children. The novel is told through narratives alternating between two time periods, and is largely told in the third-person omniscient mode. It deals with themes that eventually became King staples: the power of memory, childhood trauma, and the ugliness lurking behind a façade of traditional small-town values. The novel won the British Fantasy Award in 1987, and received nominations for the Locus and World Fantasy Awards that same year.[1] Publishers Weekly listed It as the best-selling book in the United States in 1986.



Стивен Кинг - ОНО [ 18+. Мистика, ужасы. BIGBAG ]

- A Clash of Kings 18 - Sansa

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Стивен Кинг - ОНО. Трейлер / Stephen King - IT. Trailer
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