Slow Moon Streets of Rage 2

24th Aug 2015, entire village buried by Saudi airstrike. 6 bodies retrieved, others still buried 18+ On the 24th August 2015, the Saudi led coalition airstrikes destroyed an entire village along the Yemen border with Saudi Arabia, at Bani Sayah-Razih, Sadah. Bodies of six members of the same family, all women and children, were retrieved. It is believed that most of the other villagers are still buried under the debris. Survivors have been searching for missing family members in the rubble. A man's head has been found embedded in the debris but they can't get him out - it is thought that his child may be buried next to him. Cattle were also destroyed.

Warning: This video is graphic and distressing. It is placed here as evidence of war crimes to call for a UN investigation and for Western governments to respect the Arms Treaty and stop selling weapons to Saudi Arabia. - 18 - This Place Is Haunted Slow Moon Streets of Rage 2

Дата добавления: 2017-12-03

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24th Aug 2015, entire village buried by Saudi airstrike. 6 bodies retrieved, others still buried 18+
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