The King Is Back And Goes Away part 1
Bergen-Norway and Leningrad -CCCP 1930+ Silent home movie footage from the 30s of a family touring Europe, particularly the Scandinavian countries and Russia. Despite the title cards, this has the true home movie feel, with shaking, ever-changing camera angles and seemingly random choice of subject matter. It does give you an idea of what it was like to tour pre-war Europe, especially Russia, which was hard to get into at that time. It drags after a bit, though.Quite fascinating and extraordinary amateur film showing what appears to be a group of 3 which are in a larger travel group travelling Eastern Europe, in Bergen, Norway and then ultimately Russia. Although I was a bit let down at first by the intro of intro cards, indicating, well, money put into the film that fear soon gave away to the methods of shooting style. Somewhat shaky at times, sometimes picking rather dark places to shoot, and most especially it's pre-occupation with gawking at people they stare right back. The women seem to also have a preoccupation with talking to police officers !. And let's not forget the images, some very nice shots of famous landmarks after all. this is a tour group outing. Quite interesting to wonder how much of these buildings are still up, given the time facto and the political states since that time - 14Days of Darkness The King Is Back And Goes Away part 1
Дата добавления: 2017-12-30
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Просмотров: 634
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Bergen-Norway and Leningrad -CCCP 1930+
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