
Marine Le Pen prefered personality among right sympathizers - May 2011 english sub In France a news that will make a lot of noise. A poll from TNS-Sofres for the Figaro Magazine shows that Marine Le Pen is from now on the prefered personality among the right and far-right sympathizers, both mixed up, ahead of all Ministers and UMP leaders.

David Doukhan : Here is the big name from the last lot of polls. Marine Le Pen is simply the prefered political personality among the right wing sympathizers. She wins 10 points with 55% favorable opinion ahead of Alain Juppé 52% and Christine Lagarde 49%. If one focuses solely on UMP supporters, Mrs. Le Pen is only fifteen though. Regarding the whole french population, she rises by 4 points at 10th place. Since january, the rise is undeniable, she was 28th, then in february and march 21st, in april 13th and today 10th. Note that Nicolas Sarkozy and François Fillon are treated appart in this poll, while their approval rating decrease in french population, they are not part of this ranking.

Pujadas : Good evening Fabien Namias.

Namias : ood evening David.

Pujadas : Since this afternoon we can imagine that it caused a real storm among the members of the right, in particular for the UMP.

Namias : Paradoxically no, closed advisors from the president say that "it is not a surprise", they simply agree that she hits the nail on the head on some subjects, there is some kind of resignation from the right members in front of Marine Le Pen rise. But we are not going to ignore the reality, it's a worrying result for UMP especially since François Fillon will tomorrow bring his ministers into a seminar to sing the praise of 4 years of action. We see that, for the moment, for the moment, it does not print. - The Wolf Among Us Action_01

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Marine Le Pen prefered personality among right sympathizers - May 2011 (english sub)
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