Crack of Doom In the Style of The Tiger Lillies [Backing Track Version]

Fusion Guitar Lesson 5 styles series -- Alex Feather Akimov Level: Intermediate Hello welcome to my new lesson
This is a fusion part of 5 styles series.
Fusion is one of my favorite music styles and it is a lot of fun to play! I tried making it in style of Greg Howe or Ritchie Kotzen.
Used a lot of sweep and legato.

When you are practicing this guitar lesson watch out for your timing and make sure to work on it at a slow tempo first.
It's very easy to get carried away and start rushing, especially on the sweep part.
Solo is based on G major scale combined with E minor pentatonic
Sweep part is a combination of arpeggios from G major scale.
Have fun practicing it. I hope you guys will enjoy this lesson! Have fun practicing it. Let me know if you have any questions or need help with anything!

Tom Anderson Telecaster
Ugly Amps - Ugly 18
ZMG - Aspid Drive
Waves plugins
Apogee ensemble

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New Backing track every Friday - SoundMachine Crack of Doom In the Style of The Tiger Lillies [Backing Track Version]

Дата добавления: 2018-01-13

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Fusion (Guitar Lesson) 5 styles series -- Alex Feather Akimov Level: Intermediate
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